
Protect The People You Love, Even If You Can’t Set Foot In Their Hospital Room
In just weeks, COVID-19 changed the rules at every hospital in the world.
No visitors. No family. No argument.
Now what?
What can YOU do to keep someone you love as safe and connected as possible if they end up in the hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic?
A lot more than you think.
Introducing Get Your Stuff Together COVID-19 Edition

My mom Jan and I are one of the only mother and daughter writing and author teams in the entertainment industry.
The minute we heard that thousands of Coronavirus patients were dying alone because of COVID-19 visitor restrictions, we knew we had to do something to help.
We had to help, because we know exactly what it feels like to lose someone in the hospital without being allowed to say goodbye.
A few years ago, it happened to my grandma Elaine.

We were living in Los Angeles when we got a call that my grandma, Elaine Sullivan, had fallen at home in her bathtub. What they didn’t tell us is that she’d already been in the hospital for six days. She was supposed to be on vacation that week, so we had no idea anything was wrong.
The hospital not only failed to call us, but they refused to put a phone to her ear, so that we could talk to her while trying to get a flight out to Chicago to be with her.
Grandma passed away alone, from a drug interaction, that we could have easily prevented, if they had simply called us when she was admitted.
We knew that we had to find a way to keep other families from going through the same thing we had.
After uncovering a loophole in next of kin notification laws, we wrote and enacted three Next of Kin Laws in two states (California & Illinois), created a Next of Kin training program for hospitals and have become the foremost ICE Contact educators in the U.S..
Between our books “Get Your Stuff Together,” “Ready,” “Connected” & our websites, over 1.3 million people have used our shortcut sheets, action plans and materials to keep themselves and their families safe and sound.

So when we heard that the same thing has been happening to so many families around the world, we gathered all of the tools we’ve created and put them into a brand new book called Get Your Stuff Together: COVID-19 Edition.
With the tools and tips in this book, you‘ll learn how to stay in constant communication with your hospitalized loved one and their medical staff without setting foot in the hospital.
And it’s not just for coronavirus patients.
Our tools work just as well for people that find themselves hospitalized and alone for other reasons, like surgery, chronic conditions and even expectant mothers facing hours of labor without their partners standing protectively at their side.
It’s Quick. It’s Easy. It’s Available In Paperback or Instant Download.
Get Your Stuff Together: COVID-19 Edition
It gives #AloneTogether a whole new meaning.

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